Preparation for Running Events – How Orthotics could benefit you | Care For Health | Godalming Chiropractor | Chiropractic & Physiotherapy
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Preparation for Running Events – How Orthotics could benefit you

February 19th 2019

So before you start pounding the streets, ensure to contact us here at the clinic to book an assessment. We can then guide you towards the appropriate foot support in order to reduce the risk of injury enabling you to get the most out of your running.

If your foot isn’t able to function efficiently on its own, you may benefit from an orthotic device. This is a custom made insole which has been moulded to your foot and designed to an exact specification. The aim of an orthotic is to restore the correct biomechanics of the foot whilst waking, running or performing your chosen activity. It does this by correcting the relationship between the front, middle and rear of the foot as you go through the gait cycle. It is common to experience excessive or restricted motion between these areas of the foot which in turn can increase the risk of developing pain or dysfunction in the foot. Orthotics can also be designed to take pressure off of specific areas of the foot for example with some who is suffering from metatarsalgia. This is a build up inflammation between certain joints and can be very painful when putting weight through the foot whilst walking or running.

Heel lifts can also be added to help restore any differences in leg length height. These are just a few examples of how orthotics can be used and engineered for specific foot types.  They can be fitted to all types of footwear including smart work shoes, running trainers or football/rugby boots. It is important to wear them as much as possible so that firstly your foot adapts to the correct biomechanical position, and secondly your ankles, knees, hips and spine become accustomed to the change in your gait pattern.

Following on from our January article regarding gait analysis, we always recommend that we observe your foot posture during the gait cycle and how it makes contact with the ground. Everyone does this differently so it helps identify what shoe type would best suit your foot type. We also perform a range of tests to assess the movement of the foot and ankle joints and how well the muscles are working to support you whilst running.

One of the most common New Year’s resolutions we hear from our patients is them wanting to dig out their trainers and go for that long awaited run. For some this will be starting a couch to 5k, for others it will be training for an ultra marathon. However, in order to reduce the risk of picking up any injuries during training it is important to ensure that you have the appropriate support for your feet.  Depending on your gait/running style, it may be enough to get support from a specific trainer that is suited to your foot type or you may require further support from an orthotic device.

Adam Harrison

Sports Therapist – Orthotics Specialist